Reflection groups of Lorentzian lattices. 21 September 1999. Duke Math. J. 104 (2000) no. 2, 319-366. Richard E. Borcherds, Math Dept, Evans Hall #3840, University of California at Berkeley, CA 94720-3840, U.S.A. home page: Contents. 1. Introduction. Notation. 2. Modular forms. 3. Discriminant forms and the Weil representation. 4. The singular theta correspondence. 5. Theta functions. 6. Eta quotients. 7. Dimensions of spaces of modular forms. 8. The geometry of G0(N). 9. An application of Serre duality. 10. Eisenstein series. 11. Reflective forms. 12. Examples. 13. Open problems. 1. Introduction. The aim of this paper is to provide evidence for the following new principle: interesting reflection groups of Lorentzian lattices are controlled by certain modular forms with poles at cusps. We use this principle to explain many of the known examples of such reflection groups, and to find several new examples of reflection groups of Lorentzian lattices, including one whose fundamental domain has 960 faces.