\title[Dimensions of triangulated categories]{Dimensions of triangulated categories via \\ Koszul objects} \thanks{Version from June 15, 2008.} \thanks{Bergh and Oppermann were supported by NFR Storforsk grant no. 167130, and Iyengar was partly supported by NSF grant, DMS 0602498. Iyengar's work was done at the University of Paderborn, on a visit supported by a For\-schungs\-preis awarded by the Humboldt-Stiftung.} \author[Bergh]{Petter Andreas Bergh} \address{Petter Andreas Bergh\\ Institutt for matematiske fag \\ NTNU \\ N-7491 Trondheim \\ Norway} \author[Iyengar]{Srikanth B. Iyengar} \address{Srikanth B. Iyengar\\ Department of Mathematics\\ University of Nebraska\\ Lincoln NE 68588\\ U.S.A.} \author[Krause]{\\ Henning Krause} \address{Henning Krause\\ Institut f\"ur Mathematik\\ Universit\"at Paderborn\\ 33095 Paderborn\\ Germany.} \author[Oppermann]{Steffen Oppermann} \address{Steffen Oppermann\\ Institutt for matematiske fag \\ NTNU \\ N-7491 Trondheim \\ Norway} \subjclass[2000]{16E30, 16E40, 18E30} \keywords{triangulated category, Koszul object, representation dimension} \begin{abstract} Lower bounds for the dimension of a triangulated category are provided. These bounds are applied to stable derived categories of Artin algebras and of commutative complete intersection local rings. As a consequence, one obtains bounds for the representation dimensions of certain Artin algebras. \end{abstract}