\author{David Benson} \address{Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia} \email{/b$\backslash$e/n$\backslash$s/o$\backslash$n/d% $\backslash$j/ (without the slashes) at math dot uga dot edu} \thanks{This research was partly supported by NSF grant DMS-0242909} \title[Regularity conjecture for cohomology] {On the regularity conjecture for the cohomology of finite groups} \begin{abstract} Let $K$ be a field of characteristic $p$ and let $G$ be a finite group of order divisible by $p$. The regularity conjecture states that the Castelnuovo--Mumford regularity of the cohomology ring $H^*(G,K)$ is always equal to zero. We prove that if the regularity conjecture holds for a finite group $H$ then it holds for the wreath product $H \wr \Z/p$. As a corollary, we prove the regularity conjecture for the symmetric groups $\Sigma_n$. The significance of this is that it is the first set of examples for which the regularity conjecture has been checked, where the difference between the Krull dimension and the depth of the cohomology ring is large. If this difference is at most two, the regularity conjecture is already known to hold by previous work. For more general wreath products, we have not managed to prove the regularity conjecture. Instead we prove a weaker statement, namely that the dimensions of the cohomology groups form a PORC function in the sense of Higman. \end{abstract}