Cohomology and prjectivity of modules for finite group schemes Christopher P. Bendel Let G be a finite group scheme over a field k, that is, an affine group scheme whose coordinate ring k[G] is finite dimensional. The dual algebra k[G]* = Homk(k[G],k) is then a finite dimensional cocommutative Hopf algebra. Indeed, there is an equivalence of categories between finite group schemes and finite dimensional cocommutative Hopf algebras. Further the representation theory of G is equivalent to that of k[G]*. Many familiar objects can be considered in this context. For example, any finite group G can be considered as a finite group scheme. In this case, the algebra k[G]* is simply the group algebra kG. Over a field of characteristic p > 0, the restricted enveloping algebra u(g) of a p-restricted Lie algebra g is a finite dimensional cocommutative Hopf algebra. Also, the mod-p Steenrod algebra is graded cocommutative so that some finite dimensional Hopf subalgebras are such algebras. Over the past thirty years, there has been extensive study of the modular representation theory (i.e., over a field of positive characteristic p > 0) of such algebras, particularly in regards to understanding cohomology and determining projectivity of modules. This paper is primarily interested in the following two questions: Questions. Let G be a finite group scheme over a field k of characteristic p > 0, and let M be a rational G-module. [(a)] Does there exist a family of subgroup schemes of G which detects whether M is projective? [(b)] Does there exist a family of subgroup schemes of G which detects whether a cohomology class z in Ext_{G_n}(M,M) (for M finite dimensional) is nilpotent? It is shown here that when the connected component of G is unipotent there is a family of subgroup schemes (with simple structure) that provides an affirmative answer to both questions. These are referred to as elementary group schemes. Definition. Given a field k of characteristic p > 0 and a pair of non-negative integers r and s, define the elementary group scheme Er,s to be the product G_{a(r)} x E_s over k, where G_{a(r)} denotes the rth Frobenius kernel of the additive group scheme G_a, and E_s is an elementary abelian p-group of rank s (considered as a finite group scheme). The groups G_{a(0)} and E_0 are identified with the trivial group. The main results are the following two theorems: Theorem. Let k be a field of characteristic p > 0, G be a finite group scheme over k, and A be an associative, unital rational G-algebra. Suppose further that the (infinitesimal) connected component of the identity, G_0, of G is unipotent. If z in H^n(G,A) satisfies the property that for any field extension K / k and any closed subgroup scheme (E_{r,s})_K of G_K the cohomology class f*(z) in H^n((E_{r,s})_K, A_K) is nilpotent, then z is itself nilpotent. Theorem. Let k be a field of characteristic p > 0, G be a finite group scheme over k, and M be a rational G-module. Suppose further that the (infinitesimal) connected component of the identity, G_0, of G is unipotent and that all the points of G are k-rational. Then M is projective as a G-module if and only if for every field extension K / k and closed subgroup scheme H of G_K with H = (E_{r,s})_K the restriction of M_K to H is projective.