\documentclass[psamsfonts, a4paper, leqno]{amsart} \usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb} \usepackage{amscd} \pagestyle{myheadings} %%%%%%%%%%%%\syntaxonly %%%%%%%%\usepackage[yy]{lucbr} %%%%%%%\usepackage{greek} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{document} \centerline{{\Large\bf THE HOMOLOGICAL THEORY OF}} \centerline{{\Large\bf CONTRAVARIANTLY FINITE SUBCATEGORIES :}} \centerline{{\large\bf Gorenstein Categories, Auslander-Buchweitz Contexts}} \centerline{{\large\bf and (Co-)Stabilization}} \centerline{ } \centerline{ } \centerline{\bf Apostolos Beligiannis} \centerline{ } \centerline{ } \centerline{\large Preprint, UNAM, Mexico, 1997. Submitted for publication} \centerline{} \centerline{Instituto de Matem\'{a}ticas, U.N.A.M.,} \centerline{Mexico 04510, D.F., Mexico.} \centerline{ } \centerline{ } {\bf Current Address:} $7^{th}$ Sintagmatos $21$, Chalkis $34100$, Evia, Greece.\\ \end{document} Author: Apostolos Beligiannis Address: Department of Mathematics, University of the Aegean, 82300 Karlovassi, Samos, Greece. Article: "The Homological Theory of Contravariantly Finite Subcategories". Status: Communications in Algebra 28(10), 2000, 4547--4596. Remark: Revised version of the paper with the same title, submitted to the Archive in April 1998.