NOTE: This replaces the earlier paper with a simialr title The Permutation Module for $\text{GL}(n+1,\Bbb F_q)$ Acting on $\Bbb P^n(\Bbb F_q)$ and ${\Bbb F_q}^{n+1}$. Authors: Matthew Bardoe, no affilialition. Peter Sin Department of Mathematics University of Florida 358 Little Hall PO Box 118105 Gainesville, FL 32611-8105 Abstract. This paper studies the permutation representations of a finite general linear group, first on finite projective space and then on the set of vectors of its standard module. In both cases the submodule lattices of the permutation modules are determined. In the case of projective space, the result leads to the solution of certain incidence problems in finite projective geometry, generalizing the rank formula of Hamada. In the other case, the results yield as a corollary the submodule structure of certain symmetric powers of the standard module for the finite general linear group, from which one obtains the submodule structure of all symmetric powers of the standard module of the ambient algebraic group. Status: Preprint.