Header Illustration showing Sz. pombe ascus with 4 spores/Genetic recombination assay/Rec10-Linear elements in a meiotic nucleus

Home Research Team Publications

ALUMNI (2014 - 2020)

Portrait picture of Marie Jézéquel

Marie Jézéquel

Visting Student (04/2014-06/2014)

Marie joined us from the Université du Maine, IUT de Laval, France for a work placement. She currently works as a senior product manager for A-DERMA, Toulouse.

Portrait picture of Marianne Roca

Marianne Roca

Visiting Master Student (05/2014-07/2014)

Marianne joined us from the Université Paris-Diderot, France for a work placement. She currently is a PDRA at the Max Planck-Institute for the Neurobiology of Behaviour, Germany (with Dr J.W. Lightfoot).

Portrait picture of Mimi Asogwa

Mimi N. Asogwa

Honours Project Student (01/2014-03/2014), Honorary Research Assistant (07/2014-04/2015)

Mimi worked in our lab for her final lab project and after graduating from the University of Aberdeen she decided to continue her lab project as a research assistant. Mimi currently works as a Microbiologist for the Scottish Environment Protection Agency.

Portrait picture of Charlotte Audoynaud

Charlotte Audoynaud

Visiting Master Student (05/2015-07/2015)

Charlotte joined us from the Université Paris-Diderot, France for a work placement. Currently, she works as a scientific project manager for the ARC Foundation for Cancer Research, France.

Portrait picture of Lukas Jurgutis

Lukas Jurgutis

Summer Internship Student (07/2015-09/2015)

Lukas is a University of Aberdeen Biotechnology undergraduate, who joined our lab to gain some research experience. After his degree, he worked as a technologist at Lonza.

Portrait picture of Declan Whyte

Declan Whyte

Honours Project Student (01/2016-03/2016)

Declan joined our lab to do a research project for his University of Aberdeen Molecular Biology degree. After an MRes degree in Cancer Biology at the University of Dundee, Declan joined the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research in Glasgow first as a PhD and now works there as a PDRA.

Portrait picture of Nathan F. Hopwood

Nathan F. Hopwood

Honours Project Student (01/2016-03/2016)

Nathan joined our lab to do a research project for his University of Aberdeen Genetics degree. He currently works as a Learning and Development Partner at Waterstons.

Portrait picture of Taylor Sellers

Taylor K. Sellers

Msc (Genetics) Student (04/2016-07/2016)

Taylor, originally, a graduate from the University of Minnesota|Twin Cities, USA, did her final project in our lab as part of her MSc degree in Genetics at the University of Aberdeen.

Portrait picture of Michael Chan

Ki Choi Chan

Genes & Development Genetics Society Summer Student (06/2016-08/2016)

Ki Choi (Michael) studied for his Genetics degree at the University of York, supported by a Genes & Development summer studentship from the Genetics Society UK he joined our lab to gain some research experience. After graduating from the University of York, he pursued an MRes degree at University College London.

Portrait picture of Abigail Corsie

Abigail Corsie

Honours Project Student (01/2017-03/2017)

Abigail joined our lab to do a research project for her University of Aberdeen Biochemistry degree. She currently works as a Product Development Scientist for biomodal, UK.

Portrait picture of Olga Jarosinska

Olga D. Jarosinska

Internship Student (10/2016-03/2017)

Olga is a University of Aberdeen 3rd year Molecular Biology undergraduate, who joined our lab to gain some research experience.

Portrait picture of Alex Clubb

Alexander C. Clubb

MSc (Genetics/Nutrition) student (04/2017-07/2017)

Alex graduated with an MSc degree in Genetics/Nutrition from the University of Aberdeen. He was jointly supervised with Prof Neil Gow to perform bioinformatics on aspects of sexual reproduction in Candida auris.

Portrait picture of Klara Junker

Klara Junker

Visiting Researcher (11/2017-12/2017)

Klara finished her PhD at the Carlsberg Research Laboratory and University of Copenhagen, DK. She visited Prof Neil Gow and our lab for a few weeks to perform experiments with Candida spp.. Klara currently works as a Medical Biologist in Clinical Genetics for a Swedish laboratory.

Portrait picture of Simon Brown

Simon D. Brown

PhD Student (10/2013-12/2017)

Simon finished his PhD at the University of Aberdeen working in our lab on how meiotic recombination outcomes are modulated in fission yeast. He currently holds a PDRA position at the University of Edinburgh.

Portrait picture of Keira M. Wood

Keira M. Wood

Honours Project Student (01/2018-03/2018)

Keira joined our lab to do a research project for her University of Aberdeen BMS (Molecular Biology) degree. Keira now works as a laboratory technician in the Aberdeen area.

Portrait picture of Gaja M. Gasiorek

Gaja M. Gasiorek

Honours Project Student (01/2018-03/2018)

Gaja joined our lab to do a research project for her University of Aberdeen Biotechnology degree. She works as a Senior Healthcare Analyst for GobalData plc in London, UK.

Portrait picture of Fei Long

Fei Long

MSc (Microbiology) Student (04/2018-07/2018)

Fei graduated with an MSc degree in Microbiology from the University of Aberdeen. She studied stress-response in Candida auris.

Portrait picture of Dmitriy Li

Dmitriy Li

MSc (Genetics) Student (04/2018-07/2018)

Dmitriy graduated with an MSc degree in Genetics from the University of Aberdeen. He was jointly supervised with Dr Raif Yuecel from the Iain Fraser Cytometry Centre (IFCC) to establish imaging cytometry techniques to study Schizosaccharomyces pombe meiosis. He moved to Australia for his PhD studies.

Portrait picture of Hannah Rickman

Hannah Rickman

Internship Student (01/2019)

Hannah is a University of St Andrews undergraduate, who joined our lab for a short research project. Now, she works as an Assistant Trial Manager at the University of Edinburgh, UK.

Portrait picture of Eilidh Holmes

Eilidh Holmes

BSc (Microbiology) Student (01/2019-03/2019)

Eilidh joined our lab to do a research project for her University of Aberdeen Honours degree. Subsequently, she studied for an advanced nursing degree in Glasgow.

Portrait picture of Caelan Bell

Caelan Bell

Internship Student (03/2017-05/2017, 10/2018-04/2019)

Caelan was a University of Aberdeen Genetics undergraduate, who joined our lab to gain some research experience. Caelan studies for a PhD with Dr D. Gerlich at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria.

Portrait picture of Jemma Fernie

Jemma Fernie

MSc (Reproductive & Developmental Biology) Student (04/2019-07/2019)

Jemma did her MSc degree project in our lab.

Portrait picture of Mihail Mihov

Mihail Mihov

MSci (Genetics) Student (01/2020-03/2020)

Mihail joined our lab to do a research project for his University of Aberdeen Honours degree. He studies for his PhD in Dr Grassmann's group at the University of Aberdeen, UK.

Portrait picture of Susanna Pennala

Susanna Pennala

BSc (Genetics) Student (01/2020-03/2020)

Susanna joined our lab to do a research project for her University of Aberdeen Honours degree.

Portrait picture of Kieran Petrie

Kieran Petrie

BSc (Immunology & Pharmacology) Student (01/2020-03/2020)

Kieran joined our lab to do a research project for his University of Aberdeen Honours degree.

Portrait picture of Inês Dias Rebelo

Inês Dias Rebelo

MRes (Molecular Biology) Student (09/2018-03/2020)

Inês has a BSc degree in Biology from the University of Aberdeen, she joined the lab in September 2018 to do a project on the regulation of meiotic double-stranded DNA break formation using Sz. pombe as a model organism. She returned to Portugal and works as a freelance vocalist.

Portrait picture of Sandra Appiah Kubi

Sandra Appiah Kubi

MSc (Molecular Medicine) Student (04/2020-07/2020)

As part of her MSc degree, Sandra did a literature review on C. auris epidemics in Africa.

Portrait picture of Amelia Sanders

Amelia Sanders

MSc (Molecular Medicine) Student (04/2020-07/2020)

As part of her MSc degree, Amelia did a literature review on domesticated fungi and their uses.

Portrait picture of Saba Wahid

Saba Wahid

MSc (Reproductive & Developmental Biology) Student (04/2020-07/2020)

As part of her MSc degree, Saba did a literature review on experimental models to study C. auris pathogenicity.

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Last updated 15/01/2024 - AL