About me

I am a Professor in the Agents, Reasoning and Knowledge (ARK) group of the Department of Computing Science within the University of Aberdeen.
My main research interest lies in the area of reasoning within complex domains. More generally, I am interested in what agents (human or artificial) should believe, or choose to do, in the presence of uncertainty and other (possibly malicious) agents. My work encompasses areas such as argumentation; normative reasoning and computational trust. Within these areas, I have investigated theoretical questions as well as performed more empirical and applied research. I am also interested in techniques from fields such as decision and game theory; as well as belief revision. My work has applications in areas such as persuasive technologies; transportation and smart grids.
Contact Details
Nir OrenDepartment of Computing Science
Meston Building, University of Aberdeen
AB24 3UE
Aberdeen, UK
n dot oren at abdn dot ac dot uk
+44 (0)1224 274162